Oct 16, 2008

Ouuulll about Mohneeeayyyyeah!

It has been said that the lure of money is great. That greenish yellow piece of paper has captured the imagination of many men throughout the ages; and now it has caught my imagination as well.

I set off on the money trip a few days back when i decided to get some investment done. My outlook towards life earlier was - "have money, will spend". So, i came across as an unthinking brute with reference to money as such. The juvenile lack of understanding towards its actual value was unnerving as i retrospect. It still is to some extent but that's another; quite debatable; story. Realisation has set in a yesterday when i decided to look for some kind of accommodation in Bangalore.

things set off on the premise of a 2-BHK decent apartment with a balcony - good construction - AND in an upmarket central city area. The price was obviously whopping! (happy realisation)

And on another childish albeit suicidal whim - i decided to check the property prices in Mumbai - boy! was i in for a shocker!

(Note: The outstanding stupidity of this whole situation was the fact that i decided to pick the most unapproachable area of Mumbai - Napean sea Road)

And there i was staring unbelieving at the computer screen - Rs. 170,000,000 it said for a 2 BHK - Stellar... my teeny middle class brain had only one thought -

"People have that kinda money?"

and then it came to its ubiquitous middle class intelligent self and asked further

"if legitimate - then where'd all the money come from?" (we are not really discussing "otherwise")

and finally the grand finale

"How shall i amass all that wealth?"

the last one almost flashed across in a megalomaniacal way. Now, given my boundaries this was tending to world domination. Kids dream no?

And then maybe there was the culmination of all these happenings that a thought was born - of saving for the future, for making a mark in the monetary sense, for cornering a significant wealth of the GDP, for world domination!

OK, saving money was the operative word here, "drops form an ocean" - as the saying goes. The aim is to form an ocean; an ocean of money that i would be able to swim in from time to time when i am tired of playing pool on my favourite mahogany table sipping long island iced tea with babes in each arm. Ahhh....

Fantastic escapades of my imagination that are to turn to reality some day. Watch this space for more...

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