Jan 9, 2010


Dilemma is a state of continuity for everyone it seems. Quarter life crises are the buzz words now a days. There was a mail circulating about how people are generally aimless in life are basically plodding through it be it for one reason or another.

I want to quote from a certain movie, which by the way is a favourite of mine. The dialogue goes "when your mind is agitated there are a thousand thoughts in t, but when its calm then the answer become clear, like the surface of the water."

I thought it was an amazing analogy to speak of. That just makes me want to go the hermit way. Not that i am much less of a hermit now, but a modern hermit does warrant a thought, and it does not seem to uninteresting!

Tho whole idea springs from the fact, that going your own way is a high in itself. Going your own way, without the pushes and pulls of the world around you. Wanting to do something that only your heart desires and not what logic dictates. Putting logic firmly in its place, ("Shit! I have to get to that damned meeting tomorrow..."). Basically finding time for what you love.

Oh yea, and its not that i want to shirk away from responsibility - its that i want to follow a whim without thinking of the consequences, no constraints, no bullshit. Only pure indulgence.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

:)..U need a break! Perhaps that would help in getting the clarity that you seem to seek ?