Nov 15, 2008

Complaints Complaints

This is probably the quietest period in my entire existence.
There have been quiet periods in my life, but this by far has taken it to its pinnacle. I am sitting in Chennai for a project, have come down from Bangalore for the assignment. And given the outgoing and extrovert person that i am, it is more of a punishment. That is so because a person cannot exist of he is surrounded by people who are unlike him. That's what id like to think. 
There is only so much introspection that a person can do in life and be happy about, i haven't taken a sanyasa to be liking being alone. We are not even starting on the single trip, because that's a whole new playing field in itself.
My interaction is limited to at most 9-10 people in all, that's not healthy for a person like me, who prefers to chatter away on 20 different things at a given time.
Also, this is one of the deepest troughs with relation to my thought processes. What i mean is, i cant think! 
I mean, i can think to get by, but taking it to the next level that came so subtly earlier has become a challenge now, methinks it may be due to the health issues that i am having but that doesn't give me a licence to slack off. 
My health isn't giving me a good time either, i smile through it but its been more than a month since something or the other seems to be happening! 
Hmmm... now that i think of it I'm just putting down my thoughts here without a plan, so i shall cease and desist<<

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