Dec 23, 2008

Time and Space

I move through time and space. I move through it but in a detached sort of way; I do not subscribe to its insinuations; I do not relate to its mirth. 
I move through time and space. It all seems so surreal that i am not aware of the happenings around me; 'twas as if reality had never taken birth.

I move through time and space. The autumn leaves fall around me like the memories of my time; the time that i related to for an iota of my existence.
I move through time and space. The cool air brushes against my feet and takes me back to feelings once experienced; It now just lacks some persistence.

I move through time and space. I cast away the skeletons; shake my closet clean.
I move through time and space. I feel lighter, stronger, better - what could all this mean?

I move through time and space. The warmth of the Sun spreads to my face as it rises beyond the clouds; I emerge through the shadow casting away self doubt.
I move through time and space. My wings spread arching over the lush greens; as darkness dissipates; me and myself get ready for another bout.

Dec 21, 2008


I sat looking at the stars today
they were so many of them
i couldn't count
and i always thought that i could though
that's because i thought there weren't many
but as i observed
some more became visible
and some more 
and more until it was impossible to count

Aren't there so many such things 
that you'd think you can do...
...ain't happening

Man proposes 
and God just laughs at his plans...

Dec 13, 2008

A Cold kill

The cold eyes narrow to slits
the face goes stone
sans compassion
only the purpose
a purpose that guides
a purpose that drives
a purpose that binds
a purpose that blinds
the logic to defy reasoning
The blade unsheathed in hand
glides through flesh, skin and cartilage
The spinning bullet shot from bore
searing through bodies of filth
undoing nature, upsetting balance of a microcosm
to bring equanimity, calm and solace
if only a quantum of it...

With due respect to The Matrix: Reloaded

Dec 12, 2008


The blue mist descended on the mountain top
There was an eerie stillness to the air
the moon rose silently above the treetops
its ghostly white light filtering through the trees
somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted
answered by the cry of a lonely dog in the dark night
a rustling in the undergrowth
a passing shadow
Hope this is scary enough...

Dec 7, 2008

Conversations with myself...

A stillness has come to the air around me. I really cannot describe it, it makes me feel different. It makes me feel peaceful yet wasted. Probably there are two thought processes colliding with each other and culminating into this dilemma. My quandary lies in the question that: Is this a dilemma at all? or is it just the logical progression of ones life?
My good friend says in a lighter vein that I'm just PMSing. Funny character!
But yes, the symptoms shown by cranky women are not unlike mine. Except for the obvious...

These mood swings are highly disturbing in nature. I call them mood swings because of a lack of a better alternative. They leave a person feeling like Crusoe  - without his man Friday. Stranded and nowhere near civilization. Had been discussing this issue with my roomie about half an hour back. We were reminiscing about good old college days and the placement week. There were people that had become so desperate that they were trying their luck with each and every company - like a slot machine; there were yet others that did not flinch at the highest packages that were being doled out and were adamant of the profile that they were looking for. These two extremes are not the only ones existing. there were others like me that exercised discretion or were too confused to understand what to do. My Dilemma rises here again. 
Was this prudent?
Or was waiting prudent?
Thankfully it was clear that going and slot machining was stupid.

I have reason to believe that time may have the answers to the questions posed below with relation to my little discussion.
 - Do these people have more clarity towards life? Should i aspire to be like these people? 
 - Or should i stick to my own confusion and call it discretion?
 - Or am i just thinking too much here?

The last point is the English equivalent of "jaanede na yaar!!!"

.I shall come back to this comment saying that a human is different from animals because they have been gifted with the ability to think about things

.Yes, that is true, but humans have a limit to their comprehension and things beyond comprehension should be left God.

.Why should i not be considered qualified enough to understand the issue at hand? After all, I am the subject under discussion. And taking the shield of God is a very convenient way to explain away our lack of understanding of phenomenon

.Do you have control?

.I have control over myself.

.Can you control the happenings in your life?

.I can only influence them, external factors are out of my control.

.Then you should just leave them to the divine.

.But other factors are controlled by various other individuals that have control over their own little real estate and in turn influence other people's lives. Where does God figure in this?

.Ever heard of fate?

.Yes, i have. Going through life thinking there is something out there and which is reserved for you and that eventually you'll get it because God has thought so... well doesn't go down too well, isn't it? isn't that a a very defeatist way of thinking?

.No, it isn't.


.Because, very simply, fate is decided for you. A very illogical turn of events that may look totally out of context and uncalled for may change the course of your life without any intervention by third party. And it finally turns out - they may be good for you. So these phenomenon in short form is called fate. And God is the scriptwriter.

.Why do all this?

.Now even i cant answer that. That's why the phrase "God Knows!" was invented. 
Leave this kind of thinking for the Almighty. 
"Jaane De Na Yaar!!!"

Dec 1, 2008

Save us

I write this with tears in my eyes
they are for the people who died
died of bullets sprayed from a gun
they were innocents,
and believe me, they were people like you and me
they had dreams, they had hope, they had love
they were human to the last teeth, hair and nail
and - they fell
to deranged minds
no i do not talk about the brain washed scum
i talk of those who don't care
i talk of the callous men who call themselves the representatives
they laugh, they issue social wisdom, they tour the graves
and hope to achieve profit from death of these very people
As i sat there doing nothing
Watching my country being raped...

My soul wails in despair
Wishing, if not, to turn these black hearts
to call the almighty in heaven
He knows, He watches, He waits

For how long? how long God??

Nov 24, 2008

My Woman

Sweet, pure and simple
the eyes speak
a thousand unsaid feelings
lightly accentuated by the brow
a naughty smile
a tender touch of skin
a sweet tinkling laugh
as she looks at me
and disappears amidst - 
the squall of thoughts 
wherefore she came
my mind cannot conjure her
only guess 
at a fragrance she possesses
for Reminiscence

Nov 19, 2008

Time and change

Much has taken place after my last entry into the blog, tectonic shifts given my vantage point.
My seclusion from the project that i was working for has come around given my health, there has been a loss of perspective as such about the whole affair.
A tremendous loss of perspective has come about in life in general; there is no anchoring that i can hark back to to fill the void that i feel. Mind you, this is not a void that comes about from being single again or the relationship trip, yes, there is a Little bit of that too although i cant place my finger on the exact cause of this disillusionment, this total unfocused approach to existence, maybe that it is my mental and physical state that is causing this reaction in me. but there has been a shift in perception in my thoughts. 
Hope its a passing phase and that i shall i have much more to look forward to once i get back to work and in good health

Nov 15, 2008

Complaints Complaints

This is probably the quietest period in my entire existence.
There have been quiet periods in my life, but this by far has taken it to its pinnacle. I am sitting in Chennai for a project, have come down from Bangalore for the assignment. And given the outgoing and extrovert person that i am, it is more of a punishment. That is so because a person cannot exist of he is surrounded by people who are unlike him. That's what id like to think. 
There is only so much introspection that a person can do in life and be happy about, i haven't taken a sanyasa to be liking being alone. We are not even starting on the single trip, because that's a whole new playing field in itself.
My interaction is limited to at most 9-10 people in all, that's not healthy for a person like me, who prefers to chatter away on 20 different things at a given time.
Also, this is one of the deepest troughs with relation to my thought processes. What i mean is, i cant think! 
I mean, i can think to get by, but taking it to the next level that came so subtly earlier has become a challenge now, methinks it may be due to the health issues that i am having but that doesn't give me a licence to slack off. 
My health isn't giving me a good time either, i smile through it but its been more than a month since something or the other seems to be happening! 
Hmmm... now that i think of it I'm just putting down my thoughts here without a plan, so i shall cease and desist<<

Nov 2, 2008


A gentle breeze blows
blows through the labyrinth of my mind
a mind with numerous memories
alluding to the bygone
a whiff there, a scent there
gently rustling the pages of my stories
blowing dust off covers
reviving the past vividly
returning me to those emotions
that lie in the abyss of my heart
reminding me of my vulnerability
reinstating the lessons once more...
...of my life

Oct 23, 2008

The F word...

felt - love, loved, pure, impure, sick, forgiving, magnanimous, rich, poor, little, big, responsible
fell - stand up, rise, conquer
fear - forever, ride, shine through
feat - breathtaking, achievement, self realisation
fame - short lived, heady
farce - life is, to some extent
fate - submit, drive, conquer
forge - ahead fearless
forever - love is,
forgive - the past
forget - the pain
family - comes first
foster - harmony, love, peace , sublimity
foal - family - extended
foolish - pursuit of material things 

Understanding or the lack of it

how do you define yourself?
Is there  a specific self definition; something that describes you, tid-bits of you to the outside world; to yourself...
my boss was ranting about his life - hes old and and has not done/ been a part of particularly anything spectacular in his life. He turned to me in mid sentence and said "you'll also end up like me..."
It stung - i laughed it off, but it stung
The realisation hit home few days later, i was having a discussion with a dear friend about a tattoo that I'm thinking of getting for myself.
"What do you stand for? What do you really consider really close to your heart? what do you think defines you?"
I was completely and totally lost, i could not think of it myself.
i was shocked that i had never even given it a thought - not given a thought to what i would like as a tattoo, but what i hold in the highest esteem.
I came up with family which was kinda lame because that i don't feel is a very unique trait - debatable - yes. But, I've never held anything dear in my life except for myself and my family. Which is intriguing and weird to think of when you do give it a thought; isn't there ANYTHING that i would hold in the highest esteem...
Am i going through life without thinking or am i thinking too much.
How does one go about defining ones life???

Oct 16, 2008

Ouuulll about Mohneeeayyyyeah!

It has been said that the lure of money is great. That greenish yellow piece of paper has captured the imagination of many men throughout the ages; and now it has caught my imagination as well.

I set off on the money trip a few days back when i decided to get some investment done. My outlook towards life earlier was - "have money, will spend". So, i came across as an unthinking brute with reference to money as such. The juvenile lack of understanding towards its actual value was unnerving as i retrospect. It still is to some extent but that's another; quite debatable; story. Realisation has set in a yesterday when i decided to look for some kind of accommodation in Bangalore.

things set off on the premise of a 2-BHK decent apartment with a balcony - good construction - AND in an upmarket central city area. The price was obviously whopping! (happy realisation)

And on another childish albeit suicidal whim - i decided to check the property prices in Mumbai - boy! was i in for a shocker!

(Note: The outstanding stupidity of this whole situation was the fact that i decided to pick the most unapproachable area of Mumbai - Napean sea Road)

And there i was staring unbelieving at the computer screen - Rs. 170,000,000 it said for a 2 BHK - Stellar... my teeny middle class brain had only one thought -

"People have that kinda money?"

and then it came to its ubiquitous middle class intelligent self and asked further

"if legitimate - then where'd all the money come from?" (we are not really discussing "otherwise")

and finally the grand finale

"How shall i amass all that wealth?"

the last one almost flashed across in a megalomaniacal way. Now, given my boundaries this was tending to world domination. Kids dream no?

And then maybe there was the culmination of all these happenings that a thought was born - of saving for the future, for making a mark in the monetary sense, for cornering a significant wealth of the GDP, for world domination!

OK, saving money was the operative word here, "drops form an ocean" - as the saying goes. The aim is to form an ocean; an ocean of money that i would be able to swim in from time to time when i am tired of playing pool on my favourite mahogany table sipping long island iced tea with babes in each arm. Ahhh....

Fantastic escapades of my imagination that are to turn to reality some day. Watch this space for more...

Oct 13, 2008

Show me the light-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

I am sitting here in office. I am back after a long break; long being 4 days straight at home. So, here i am sitting in office doing nothing (read: bench). Projects as such have dried up for my practice apparently and therefore i am sitting here doing nothing and wondering where my life is headed...

This thought just struck me when i was earlier talking to a senior colleague; her relative was a consultant and had a path charted out in front of him and knew what he wanted to do. An apparent contrast to that is my situation - i don't seem to know where I'm headed. It all appears like a directionless mess that i seem to be caught right now. Another thought strikes me at the same time that I'm being paranoid about the current situation, that i am overreacting to the current market trend with relation to the IT industry. That this situation is not going to be permanent and that my career shall take a particular direction that i intend to shape it into. Or rather i would know over a course of time what exactly i want from my life; what exactly i would like to achieve in this relatively small period except for making only money. Ok, making truckloads of money - that is one of the clearer agendas!

These are a part of my weird moody outlook towards life. One minute i am all smiles and the next I'm in a brooding mode wondering "what is it good for?"

But overall the overarching feeling of lackadaisical sense of direction to life is unnerving and the threat of the continuum does no positive. I really do need to feel positive towards life right now and stop thinking like this! It only depresses me and pushes me in the recesses as well.

But it is so difficult to do so! I am at conflict with myself as if there are two different people who are arguing with each other. I tend to argue over my own points and disagree with them after stating them. Its as if I'm inside a one act play with the protagonist and the villain both portrayed by me.

I shall have to indulge into creative pursuits otherwise there would be only this ongoing depressing feeling in the air that would sap me of any creativity and vigour.

Oct 5, 2008

Biking - An Alternative Approach

It is a wholly invigorating experience to sit on a bike and cross 100. 
There is the thrill - yes, but there is a sense of power also. Before i launch into this explanation, i must structure this emotion called biking.

At first, the process of getting onto the bike is savour-worthy. I say this because the destination or the exercise that ensues holds promise. Otherwise its pedestrian at best.
Turning the ignition and kicking the bike to the point that the engine settles in a low throaty grumble as if awakened from a deep slumber is exciting. Mind you - this process follows a fluid motion, a constancy that comes with time, a natural action like eating - your hand knows exactly where your mouth. 

The poetry pours forth as you tap into the first gear and set off, at first there is the movement, the weight of the bike transfers onto the rear wheel and the dashpots ease off lovingly; as you are pushed back gently. Physics was never so romantic!
When i say Gently - it is directly proportional to the open throttle. 
The throttle - It must be the most beautiful instrument invented by man,  it is...
A device used to increase the speed of the vehicle.
A device that influences the adrenaline levels of man.
A device to look down upon slow drivers.
A device to eat up road.
A device to challenge potentials.
A device to satiate the need to feel like God...

Back to terra firma; Quickly shifting through the gears; the goal is to settle into the gentle growl that emerges from the engine between 80 and 90. This is where my little beast is at its best. 
The non-mechanical beauty is of course the Wind, it whips past, there is no other word for it, it whips past making its presence felt as you try and wish it away so that your speed could increase.

It would be appropriate to introduce the concept of drafting here. At high speeds a vacuum cone is created behind the lightningly fast moving vehicle ;)
Entering that cone is equivalent to eating cheese. Ensconced into it, the growly whine that your beast is making because of being pushed to the design limit reduces, so does the drag. As you literally jump onto the vehicle in front of you. And just when you are sure; that any closer and both of ull be plucking harps; you move out of the cone...
and BAM!!!
The Wind starts screaming in your face!
 Your Engine decibel levels shoot as you struggle to maintain the the Speedo. Alas! That is not to be...
As your speed drops you stretch the throttle only to watch in dismay as the rpm crosses 9. You push it, and the poor thing gives up. The engine sezies and dies on you.
Redemption is by way of maintaining rpm between 8-9 and speeds at 95-105. Anymore and its screaming time.

Another exquisite stimulus is the high rpm low gear scenario, imagine a situation where you are approaching a red light and it is about to turn green, you are marginally far off and have shifted to a lower gear because of anticipation of stopping, but wait, you haven't shifted all the way to neutral, you are still at 2ND. And voila! its green, and the loser on the kinetic is making a dash for it, 
erm errr uhhm ... Excuse me mr. kinetic honda pushing loser, this is how its done...
A flick of the right hand wrist and my steed leaps in all earnest to tear away from the signal.
Eat my dust kiney!!

If there was ever a chance to play Mozart's soundtrack in a biking context, it would have to be during cornering, It is poetry in motion that would bring tears to the eyes of roadkill souls.
Curving road with those ubiquitous white markers, the speedo is reading 80 and some idiot on a tractor is limping his way on the slow lane...
You launch into the overtaking lane and run with the curving white markers, your speed is too much as you start to drift towards the divider; there are two options:
i. Reduce speed by letting go of the throttle/ braking.
ii. Keep going and crash into the barrier.
iii. Do it the right way.
(i know that's 3 you moron; you really wanna try "ii"???)
Out comes the knee as your careening bike rights itself gracefully and you start to flow with the curving road At this point man, machine, road, wind, sound all are one. 
It is a singular experience replicated by none. 

With this post, i hope to recruit believers, and thus my ode to Biking comes to an end.

Oct 2, 2008


It has been an uplifting experience to hold a musical instrument and get meaningful sound out of it as opposed to random strains. There is so much to do in this world rather than be influenced by various thoughts and actions of others and move into a domain that is hitherto unknown. Don't get me wrong, moving into new arenas is not bad, influence of other people at various stages is to a certain extent. 
I may be speaking for myself here and many may not subscribe to my views, but asserting oneself is what its all about here; to do for yourself than for anybody else. Selfish? may be... but selflessness is for the sadhus; not for me.
There seems to be a digression when i speak of selfishness and assertiveness at the same time but looking at my situation it becomes clearer as to what i talk about. Therefore i speak/spoke of perspective (earlier post). As how perspectives tend to change the thought process of the person.
So, subscribing to someone Else's views may or may not have its fallacy (because everything is relative) but doing your own thing is much better than anything else in the world. You hold yourself responsible and credit yourself for whatever good comes your way.
The flipside is the point where you have done and gone your way and it hasn't turned out so much as you hoped for in life, then one has to turn to others and listen to that classic refrain "I told you so..."
At that exact point you want to wring the other persons neck but you turn the other cheek instead. Plain sailing to rough seas, never is anything perennial. Experience it. Don't judge it.

Sep 17, 2008

Lets all be happy

I'm wondering if i take myself too seriously...guess i need to loosen up in putting down my thoughts, there is a gamut of emotions that have deeply serrated inside me and these aren't bright shiny things, they are dark and ugly, brooding and scary...

Only positivity shall mitigate the darkness, and therefore being serious is one, and being morose is another

Sep 13, 2008

Comfortable Drudgery/ Placid Calm

the winds of change sweep away your calm
transports it to an unknown
the sands of time move unwaveringly
through the mirage of life
as you grope for reality
but it slips away from your clawing fingers
you suppose that's the way of these shifting dunes
that they cease to remain
cease to maintain the drudgery
a drudgery that is so dear
that you covert it in your heart
and secretly delve into its happiness
mingled with fear of the prying eyes
that would take away the sweet thought forever
Your heart desires a stolid silence
a placid clam
an ephemeral peace
silently settling in on your conscious
as your subconscious rejoices 
at the return of calmness
and the comfortable drudgery

Sep 11, 2008


idahr se aati hai aandhi
udahr se toofaan
beech mein mai
ek awaara, unjaana insaan
na kudrat ka takaza
na koi ek manzil
sirf ek khwahish
mere nadaan mann ki
ki asmaa ko choo loon
badaloon se khel loon
panchiyoon ko peeche chood
hawa ke sang ho-loon
smajhaa ke rakhna hai is mann ko
ke aandhi rukegi
lage din ek ya do
toofan tham jaayega
aur suraj dega apni roshnii
aur mera roam roam jagega
jaagega sach ki aur...

Aug 27, 2008

Who decides?

maintaining something is a pain,
i mean its so much better to throw money at a problem, it solves a lot of issues.
But then again the question of integrity creeps in into the framework of things, because fundamentally it is the will and the thought that shapes all things pure and true, anything else is just farce. Or is it?
I mean there are so many things in this world that can be done by means that are plural in their approach but there are others that dont confirm to these equations of barter.
And therefore i say that that the nature of humans plays a big role in these happenings.
The choices made, the parts played and the decisions taken. Somethimes the rulebook takes a backseat and practicality takes forefront.
Many a times these things take their course influenced by the environment that they dwell in/ take place in.
So does that mean that moral sicence is exteremely nice to be taught in text books and that it has no true purpose in life than to score better overall percentage?
Is it true that all things considered immoral may be amounting to foolishness?
Who shall be the judge of things like these;
Because judgement is influnced by perception and perception depends on perspectives,
Diffrent perspectives>perceptions>judgements>Outcomes
So who decides?

Aug 19, 2008

A comment on phases in life

What is happiness

How do you define it?

It is said that its a state of mind, true - false, who knows

And, What is sadness;

Again a state of mind that is but a passing phase,

And there is a grey area in the middle of it all

a placid place, a quiet place that just remains

I'm there now, it feels peaceful - yes but there remains a nagging feeling

a tolling of bells in the distance of the signifying oncoming events

A calm before the storm(?) - i really don't know

Isn't this what life is all about?

I mean, you wait for life to happen to you

This placidity is there in order to dwell upon these things

Intangibles that are enormous

and unexplored to comment upon

Aug 18, 2008


Ropes, thick n winding
thicker than water
thicker than blood
they strain ,
awash in the tides of time
they sway unabashed
supporting life through the endless chasms
nature in all its glorious fury
unleashed upon them,
fate's undoing,
destiny gnawing at the ends,
Are they so humble
that they shall retire at these provocations
or stolid
that they remain unending with time
strong, solid & thick.

Aug 11, 2008

Ode to Ale

bitter frothy gold
swirling with delight
tall and icy
frothy and nicey
leaves u in a bliss
a state that stays for a while
and disappears with time
for those few minutes
there is man made manna
a sweet sense of fluidity
a sense of purposelessness
floating in sanctity

Aug 7, 2008


Pouring out myself into this space is advisable??

I have kept it all inside me, bottled up, here and there i recall some hidden file of a thought and ponder over its outcomes, possibilities and what could have been done under such and such circumstances.

But, Is it advisable,

It is said that one should look to the future and forget the past, but there is solace in the past, there is pain in the past, there is pleasure as well

there are precious lessons to be learnt there that the future is only beckoning you to learn.

And, what is the future? - a past that is yet to come, with its pains , pleasures and learning.

So why shun the past? embrace it, love it, learn from it, maybe some day it may save one.

Aug 4, 2008

Exquisite Abyss

As the sleep swirls in my eyes
casting myriad pools of unknown thoughts
i admire the feeling from a perspective only my mind derives
i stare at the illusion transfixed
lost to time and space
the rays bouncing off the chiseled marble
or is it?
a sudden movement, a sudden realization, a sudden awakening
life stirs in this heavenly mystique
all too real, all too sweet, all bitter
it sets a benchmark
for the other to fill its yawning abyss...

Jul 10, 2008

The Will

What has been is done
what needs to be ... approaches
the opponent stares
as i move unhindered
through the thicket
through the smog of time and space
through the swirling black mist
Black ... black mist of emotions
my sword unsheathed flashes blindingly
as i wonder of the strength in my arms
shall i be able to fight this mass
looming large
scores of quivers cut through the still air
...of memories unleashed from their bows
with precise incisions they course through me
where shall i get the strength
i wonder...
i wonder...
and i say i will, part of me believes that
and the whole of me shall too...

Jul 8, 2008


A flash of recollection
a blur of a face
a stab of an emotion
a pinch of reality
a shiver of icicles
i carry these
and move on
the horizon beckons
it holds promise...

Jun 25, 2008


An unrest dwells inside of me, an unrest that I'm not sure of,
an unrest that sways and heaves,
an unrest that has a life of its own
an unrest that says, see me, hear me, acknowledge me,
an unrest that screams in silence
an unrest that whispers in noise
an unrest to be
an unrest to belong
an unrest to drive
an unrest to get there
an unrest to nullify
an unrest to magnify
an unrest to outshine
An unrest to Fly...

May 31, 2008

My life changes ... or it continues to do so...

Bangalore...been a while now... its been great. thought the introduction to the city has been rough and pretty downright degrading at some points of time. But also at the same time i have to say that the other side of it has been amazing. The weather, the atmosphere, the people...its a refreshing change to the mundane mumbai life that i led.
Although the same lifestyle is being followed here, there is a significant change in the thinking department.
The independence is exhilarating, the two paths are always there to be chosen and dwell ed upon... and that is what really drives home the point of winging ones way thru life.
The requirement of being in control, the requirement of being in place and think!
The job requirements!

Apr 27, 2008

Where's me goin?!!

The days have gone by in a flurry of activity... its as if there is no time to think things through. Socialising seems top priority here as the days fly by unnoticed... thought there is some evenness on the surface that seems to be settling in for the better. There seems to be some anchoring that needs to be in place...that would come with time..there seems to be a hurry to everything that seems evident on the things that one gets into. As if the world's coming to an end day after tomorrow... It feels awesome to even think of such things as well!
All in all, some quietness has to be brought to my life to resume a stolid existence and not a shaky one that i lead now...
Guess ill be missing these days as well... Love life for now!!!

Mar 25, 2008


The Goa trip... all of our batch mates have been to Goa and back...some have even gone twice...
The place has an amazing laid back quality to don't feel like doing anything...just lying on the beach...drinking beer and listening to the surf hit the sand...that's all...and of course lolling in the water later on...
This was the essence of the trip to this pristine place... beaches are the most beautiful that Ive ever seen and the water is clear and inviting.
Holiday bola to Goa hi yaad aata hai yar!

Mar 12, 2008

Spirtuality and Lunch

What brings us here and makes us do the many things and chores that we go about doing in our daily lives is a question that haunts many of us even as we go on doing our tasks. And one day bored of it all we take a break and wonder aloud - "What am i here for?"
Whats my calling? ... is what you and i wonder ...
That's the question that one of my friend faces and with whom i had a good hour long discussion, at 2 in the afternoon ... we talked about moksha, awakening the spiritual within us, and life's objectives in the comfortable confines of my air conditioned car.
"How ironic is that???!!" - you would think!
But that's exactly that - A poor man would never understand let alone relate to such talk
He is in dire straits as to where his next meal is going to come from. That person would not even begin to ponder about liefs origin and its ultimate meaning
I guess its best left to us well fed college going pseudo intellectuals to mull over.
By the way we had a hearty meal of a very filling and smacking thali later that day - i enjoyed it and i suggest Mahabhoj to everyone (vain aint i????)

Feb 3, 2008


where time flies
no one knows
days of rejoice
they pass blissfully unnoticed
and days of sunshine
wen sky is birght and clear
and the land is lush with the winter green
i run through the dew barefoot
the wet clinging to my feet
i breathe in the crisp air
drink in the glory of nature
"there is a God" i say...
and rejoice