Aug 1, 2009


Was just going through my earlier post about just random thoughts coming into my head and putting it down. It does make for interesting reading! mind you.

You might have found me ranting and raving about inane posts of people on their blogs; it IS fun reading it! Fact is - i had fun reading my own account.

My shoes - they are white. As in - shiny white. And i like to keep them that way. These are white sports shoes and not leather or other such horrible material so - please keep Jeetendra out of the picture...

Yeah, so my shoes - they are white in color; and i like to wear them to work; because they are comfortable. I get panicky only when it starts to rain, coz then ull have to wash them, because they ll get all dirty. Really an exercise in futility. Because they ll get dirty again. So ill wash again.

Caught in a vicious circle eh?

A guy at work - he just wont use his brains when he is working. Gets my goat every time. On an average through the day, i have to lose my cool with him at least twice. And its not music to anyone ears when I'm angry. I try to control profanities exiting my mouth because it is an IT company; they generally do that there because of all the women around. Only at such times i fervently wished i was in a manufacturing company. Over there; profanity; is the norm. If you are reprimanding a person otherwise, it wont be deemed as communication, rather; they will call you a 'Ch*****' behind your back!

Get my point...?

The posting options on blogger has a monetize tab at the end of the dashboard...what I'm wishing is my bank account should have a tab like that as well. I press ' monetize' and million is added to the account. even if it is make believe. Maybe it can be just given by the banks as an amusement or something.

I 'AM' sleepy now.